Under Construction
Types: wood, sheet metal, drywall, deck, concrete, lag

See Fastners for other head types (flat head, oval head, ...)


Shank Diam Root Diam Threads
Decimal Fract * Decimal Fract *
0 0.060 1/16 0.040 3/64 32
1 0.073 5/64 0.046 3/64 28
2 0.086 3/32 0.054 1/16 26
3 0.099 7/64 0.065 1/16 24
4 0.112 7/64 0.075 5/64 22
5 0.125 1/8 0.085 5/64 20
6 0.138 9/64 0.094 3/32 18
7 0.151 5/32 0.102 7/64 16
8 0.164 11/64 0.112 7/64 15
9 0.177 3/16 0.122 1/8 14
10 0.190 3/16 0.130 1/8 13
11 0.203 13/64 0.139 9/64 12
12 0.216 7/32 0.148 9/64 11
14 0.242 1/4 0.165 5/32 10
16 0.268 17/64 0.184 3/16 9
18 0.294 19/64 0.204 13/64 8
20 0.320 5/16 0.233 7/32 8
22 0.346 11/32
24 0.372 3/8 0.260 1/4 7
26 0.398 13/32
28 0.424 27/64
30 0.450 29/64
* Nearest Fractional Equivalent (Next highest drill for pilot hole)
Most stores (Home Depot, ACE) only carry #4 - #14

Hardware stores with expanded selections.
Finkles, Lambertville, NJ
Emigh Hardware - Products, 916-482-1900, 3555 El Camino Ave., Sacramento, CA

Types of screws

Bolts and machine screws
Drill and Auger Bit Sizes for Wood Screws | ConstructionManuals.tpub.com
Screw Information and Screw sizing chart
What Is the Difference Between Wood Screws & Drywall Screws? | eHow.com
Wood joint strength testing

last updated 7 Sep 2007